

Monday, September 28, 2015

Morocco:The Family Assistance Fund

The Family Assistance Fund 
Le Fonds d’entraide familiale

Fonds d’entraide familiale conditions et procédures pour bénéficier des prestations
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- 2 - DAHIR N° 1-10-191 DU 7 MOHARREM 1432 (13 DECEMBRE 2010) PORTANT PROMULGATION DE LA LOI N° 41-10 FIXANT LES CONDITIONS ET PROCEDURES POUR BENEFICIER DES PRESTATIONS DU FONDS D’ENTRAIDE FAMILIALE1 LOUANGE A DIEU SEUL ! (Grand Sceau de Sa Majesté Mohammed VI) Que l’on sache par les présentes - puisse Dieu en élever et en fortifier la teneur ! Que notre Majesté Chérifienne, Vu la constitution, notamment ses articles 26 et 58. A DÉCIDÉ CE QUI SUIT: Est promulguée et sera publiée au Bulletin officiel, à la suite du présent dahir, la loi n° 41-10 fixant les conditions et procédures pour bénéficier des prestations du Fonds d’entraide familiale, telle qu'adoptée par la Chambre des représentants et la Chambre des conseillers. Fait à Tanger, le 7 moharrem 1432 (13 décembre 2010). Pour contreseing : Le Premier ministre, ABBAS EL FASSI. 1 - Bulletin Officiel n° 5904 bis du 24 moharrem 1432 (30 décembre 2010); p. 2232.
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Saturday, September 26, 2015

French vocabulary for law

French vocabulary for legal and business

abonnement - subscription
abus de confiance - breach of trust
accord - agreement
accrédité - authorised (représentant accrédité - autorised agent)
accusé de reception - acknowledgement of receipt
acheteur - buyer
acte - certificate, deed
*acte d’association - partnership agreement
*acte de cession - deed of transfer
*acte authenique - deed drawn up by official , solicitor etc
*acte de décès/marriage/naissance - death/marriage/birth certificate
*acte de nantissement - mortgage certificate
*acte juridique - legal translation


This unofficial English translation of the 2004 Moroccan Family Law (Moudawana) was prepared by a team of English and Arabic speaking lawyers and a professional Arabic-English Moroccan translator at the Global Rights head Office in Washington and their field Office in Morocco. A literal translation was privileged rather than attempts to clarify, explain or interpret the intention of the legislator. We hope this translation will be useful to researchers, NGOs and public authorities interested in family law and the rights of women in Morocco. Translation copyright 2005 by Global Rights. | Moudawana PDF file


A national database of addresses for more efficient justice

execution of judgements handed out by
the courts pretty well everywhere in the world, and Morocco is no exception. A pilot project, which could be expanded to all courts in Morocco, has been set up in Casablanca to facilitate the notification procedure. The idea is to create a national database of addresses. Any citizen who has changed address, should declare it to the relevant services, failing which they would have administrative services withheld… The European Union and the Council of Europe support the country in its efforts for judicial reform, to strengthen democratic reform in Morocco. A journalist from the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre followed a visit by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) to Morocco’s authorities, and sends us this report.
Text by: Safi Naciri
Photos by: AFP © EU / Neighbourhood Info Centre

Morocco is no exception.